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I collaborated with cover artist Duncan Long to produce artwork that used planetary nebula as a starting point. 


I sent him a Hubble Telescope image of the butterfly nebula back in 2013, which morphed and grew into the beautiful cover for book one: MING.


The cat’s eye nebula was the inspiration for the cover of book two: PARADOX.


Read more about Duncan’s development of the cover art here:



Taken from us too soon last year, I’ll always be grateful for his friendship, and his incredible talent.


I collaborated with my new cover artist, Jeff Brown, on the cover of Book Three.


Continuing the theme of using planetary nebula as a starting point, the Orion Nebula was the inspiration for the cover of MURMUR.

 Jeff did a spectacular job of honoring Duncan’s legacy by keeping the look of the previous covers, while using his own fantastic imagination to produce this beautiful and dynamic image.


I worked with Robert Altbauer, fantasy map maker extraordinaire, to create the MING’S GALAXY character map. I found a series of  celestial maps of the heavens by Scottish writer and schoolmaster, Alexander Jamieson, which we used to model the first map, designed to serve as a guide to the various planets and characters that appear in the books.

A map appears in  the front of each book, tailored to reflect the characters in that particular volume.

See more of Robert’s work at

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